
Ticket reservation is due at 17:00 on the day before the Live.
If the day before the Live is weekend/holiday, kindly understand the reservation is not acceptable.
Please apply ticket reservation before 17:00 on the day before weekend/holidays

Regarding ticket reservation e-mail

4.Tel. Number
5.Number of Ticket

Kindly list out above items

If any item missed, it will cause ticket reservation unacceptable, kindly understand.
The reservation will be done only after you receive our reply e-mail.

Basically we will reply in 2 days. No later than the due date at 18:00.

Please be noted the reserved ticket does not equal to entry turns.

Please be noted inquiries other than ticket reservation e-mail will not be handled here.

Please double confirm the reservation due date of the Live.

※If the Live is on Sunday and Monday, reservation is due on Friday 17:00
If the Live is on holiday, reservation is due at 17:00 of the day before holiday,

From now on, please support TAKEBAN as much as you can.

Ticket mail
